病院における治療と仕事の両立支援に 新しい支援カードを利用する際の課題
金子, 善博、野村, 良平、羽根田, 翔、加藤, 宏一、神山, 博彦、田中, 宏太佳、中島, 英太郎- 治療と仕事の両立支援カード
- がん
- 療養・就労両立支援指導料
ダウンロード:28 - 投稿日時:2025-01-22 02:34:10 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-28 04:25:57 UTC
rqlm: R package for implementing the modified Poisson and least-squares regression analyses
Noma, Hisashi- modified Poisson regression
- modified least-squares regression
- risk ratio
- risk difference
- R
ダウンロード:37 - 投稿日時:2025-01-22 13:29:55 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-24 01:10:52 UTC
Quasi-likelihood ratio tests and the Bartlett-type correction for improved inferences of the modified Poisson and least-squares regressions for binary outcomes
Noma, Hisashi、Hiroshi Sunada、Masahiko Gosho- generalized linear model
- estimating equation
- quasi-likelihood
- bootstrap
- separation problem
ダウンロード:27 - 投稿日時:2025-01-10 14:57:39 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-14 10:37:05 UTC
Deep Core Activation Method Utilizing Wearable Cyborg HAL in Supine Position for Improving Anorectal Motility: A Case Study for a Patient with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Hayato Tamai、Hiroaki Kawamoto、Akira Uehara、Masao Koda、Yoshiyuki Sankai- Neurogenic bowel dysfunction
- Anorectal motility
- Spinal cord injury
- Hybrid Assistive Limb
- Case study
ダウンロード:105 - 投稿日時:2024-08-28 08:19:08 UTC - 公開日時:2024-09-11 05:52:11 UTC
Potential Corneal Donation in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: a Case-Control Study
Okazaki, Yuji、Noritomo Fujisaki、Hideto Fukui、Kyongko Huh、Takayuki Otani、Toshihisa Ichiba、Hiroshi Naito、Yuki Kataoka- Case-control study
- Corneal donation
- Emergency department
- Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- Potential donor
ダウンロード:57 - 投稿日時:2024-09-04 11:04:40 UTC - 公開日時:2024-09-06 09:48:46 UTC
Comment to Anzai et al., BMC Infectious Diseases (2022)
Kurita, Junko、Ohkusa, Yasushi- COVID-19
- Go To Travel Campaign
- policy evaluation
- sightseeing tourism
- long distance travel
ダウンロード:54 - 投稿日時:2024-08-02 06:51:56 UTC - 公開日時:2024-08-15 00:45:34 UTC
澤, 祐斗、シーボーン, ケイティー- エイジズム(年齢差別)
- 認知バイアス
- 高齢者
- オンライン調査
- アンケート
- ローカライズ
- 翻訳
- アンケートの検証
ダウンロード:94 - 投稿日時:2024-07-26 03:29:40 UTC - 公開日時:2024-08-07 10:12:09 UTC
Aspects of Partnership Formation between Local Citizens and Researchers Who Implemented Support Activities Related to Recovery and Preparedness for Natural Disasters - Quantitative Text Analysis of Interviews with Researchers
Miyuki ISHIBASHI、Naho SATO、Yuko AMAMIYA、Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI 、Akiko SAKAJYO、Kazuma HAIDA- Citizen Science
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Ethics, Research
- Japan
- Natural Disasters
ダウンロード:92 - 投稿日時:2024-04-25 02:34:54 UTC - 公開日時:2024-05-07 01:14:03 UTC
木下, 千尋、松本, 愛美、佐藤, 大介- 認知症
- 進行性肺がん患者
- 看護師
- 意思決定支援
ダウンロード:341 - 投稿日時:2024-04-20 09:32:51 UTC - 公開日時:2024-04-30 23:26:36 UTC
Did travel truly spread infectious disease? The case of influenza during New Year vacation in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Sugawara, Tamie、Ohkusa, Yasushi- COVID-19
- airport users
- hotel visitors
- mobility
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
ダウンロード:85 - 投稿日時:2024-04-21 13:01:57 UTC - 公開日時:2024-04-24 11:14:05 UTC
Excess mortality during and after SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in Japan: Updated until November 2023
Kurita, Junko、Sugawara, Tamie、Ohkusa, Yasushi- excess mortality
- COVID-19
- all cause death
- stochastic frontier estimation
- NIID model
- Tokyo
- Japan
ダウンロード:973 - 投稿日時:2022-04-27 04:32:31 UTC - 公開日時:2024-02-28 05:19:23 UTC - バージョン:11
Exercises utilizing the Hybrid Assistive Limb lumbar type to prevent frailty: a randomized controlled trial
Saito, Yoshinobu、Sho Nakamura、Takashi Kasukawa、Makoto Nagasawa、Yuko Oguma、Hiroto Narimatsu- biofeedback
- exercise
- frailty
- Hybrid Assistive Limb
- physical function
- sarcopenia
ダウンロード:229 - 投稿日時:2024-02-22 02:36:32 UTC - 公開日時:2024-02-27 23:48:33 UTC
武田, 桃佳、佐藤, 大介- がん相談支援センター
- 就労支援
- 多職種連携
ダウンロード:249 - 投稿日時:2023-12-24 23:39:19 UTC - 公開日時:2023-12-26 01:24:58 UTC
穴澤, 活郎- 再生産数
- 世代時間
- ガンマ分布
- オイラー・ロトカ式
- 新型コロナウイルス
ダウンロード:230 - 投稿日時:2023-11-16 06:18:22 UTC - 公開日時:2023-11-20 00:34:44 UTC
Sidesplitting using network meta-regression
Noma, Hisashi- network meta-analysis
- contrast-based approach
- sidesplitting
- inconsistency
- design-by-treatment interaction
ダウンロード:156 - 投稿日時:2023-08-25 09:40:33 UTC - 公開日時:2023-08-29 10:30:27 UTC
Within-study covariance estimators for network meta-analysis with contrast-based approach
Noma, Hisashi- network meta-analysis
- contrast-based approach
- multivariate random-effects model
- within-study covariance matrix
- network meta-regression
ダウンロード:127 - 投稿日時:2023-08-19 16:49:22 UTC - 公開日時:2023-08-24 02:18:52 UTC
Effectiveness of mask in COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Tamie Sugawara、Yasushi Ohkusa- SARS-CoV-2
- effective reproduction number
- mask
- vaccine coverage
- waning in vaccine effectiveness
ダウンロード:258 - 投稿日時:2023-05-18 05:29:41 UTC - 公開日時:2023-06-22 09:58:32 UTC - バージョン:2
Association of sightseeing tourists and COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of a hot spring resort
Kurita, Junko、Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- COVID-19
- hotel visitors
- hot spring resort
- effective reproduction number
- sightseeing tourism
ダウンロード:153 - 投稿日時:2023-03-31 08:00:42 UTC - 公開日時:2023-04-04 01:23:56 UTC
Association of sightseeing tourists and COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of a resort island
Kurita, Junko、Yoshitaro Iwasaki- COVID-19
- airport users
- effective reproduction number
- hotel visitors
- resort island
- sightseeing tourists
ダウンロード:181 - 投稿日時:2023-02-28 06:07:06 UTC - 公開日時:2023-03-02 00:18:56 UTC
Infectivity of omicron BQ.1.1 comparison with other strains of SARS-Cov-2 in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Tamie Sugawara、Yasushi Ohkusa- SARS-CoV-2
- effective reproduction number
- BQ.1.1.
- omicron variant strain
- vaccine coverage
- waning in vaccine effectiveness
ダウンロード:165 - 投稿日時:2023-02-21 05:23:16 UTC - 公開日時:2023-02-24 06:50:44 UTC
Did visitors for sightseeing actually spread COVID-19 outbreak dominated the omicron variant strain in Japan ? A case study at resort island.
Kurita, Junko、Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- COVID-19
- airport users
- hotel visitors
- mobility
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
ダウンロード:201 - 投稿日時:2022-12-29 07:30:10 UTC - 公開日時:2023-01-06 05:13:23 UTC
古山, 誠- 光干渉断層計
- 緑内障
- 視野
- 深層学習
ダウンロード:1307 - 投稿日時:2022-09-20 04:54:45 UTC - 公開日時:2022-12-12 05:29:43 UTC - バージョン:6
Did Visitors Cause Outbreaks of COVID-19 Dominated by the Original Strain? Ex Post Evaluation of Long-Distance Travel Bans
Kurita, Junko、 Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- airport users
- COVID-19
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
- hotel visitors
- mobility
ダウンロード:180 - 投稿日時:2022-12-02 01:16:45 UTC - 公開日時:2022-12-05 11:43:41 UTC
畠山, とも子、加藤, 久美、吉田, 一隆- システムズアプローチ
- 終末期ケア
- 看護師の価値観
- ヤングケアラー
- 結婚移民女性
ダウンロード:519 - 投稿日時:2022-08-24 09:50:22 UTC - 公開日時:2022-09-14 08:24:35 UTC
Excess Mortality in Suicide caused by COVID-19 in Japan: Update up to April, 2022
Kurita, Junko、Tamie Sugawara、Yasushi Ohkusa- COVID-19
- excess mortality
- NIID model
- stochastic frontier estimation
- suicide
ダウンロード:374 - 投稿日時:2022-07-22 04:56:56 UTC - 公開日時:2022-09-13 07:03:15 UTC - バージョン:2