Cognitive Decline Screening Model for Staff at Community General Support Centers An IRIDE Cohort Study
Ogawa, Susumu、Takumi Abe、Daichi Yamashiro、Mari Yamashita、Hiroyuki Sasai、Shuichi Obuchi、Hiroshi Murayama、Takumi Hirata、Hiroyuki Suzuki、Yoshinori Fujiwara、Shuichi Awata、Masahiro Akishita、Kenji Toba、 IRIDE Cohort Study Investigators- community-dwelling adults
- Mini-Mental State Examination
- model development
- Japan
ダウンロード:4 - 投稿日時:2025-03-14 10:05:22 UTC - 公開日時:2025-03-19 09:58:57 UTC
Brain-Machine Interfaceを併用した上肢機能訓練が回復期脳卒中片麻痺症例の手指運動機能に及ぼす効果について-ヒストリカルコントロール研究-
髙橋, 良輔、荒, 洋輔、安部, 千秋、戎, 駿介、阿部, 正之、林, 正彬、廣瀬, 遼太郎、白坂, 智英- 脳卒中
- 回復期
- 上肢運動機能
- Brain-Machine Interface
- 神経筋電気刺激
ダウンロード:104 - 投稿日時:2025-02-21 07:12:03 UTC - 公開日時:2025-03-03 04:53:08 UTC
病院における治療と仕事の両立支援に 新しい支援カードを利用する際の課題
金子, 善博、野村, 良平、羽根田, 翔、加藤, 宏一、神山, 博彦、田中, 宏太佳、中島, 英太郎- 治療と仕事の両立支援カード
- がん
- 療養・就労両立支援指導料
ダウンロード:39 - 投稿日時:2025-01-22 02:34:10 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-28 04:25:57 UTC
rqlm: R package for implementing the modified Poisson and least-squares regression analyses
Noma, Hisashi- modified Poisson regression
- modified least-squares regression
- risk ratio
- risk difference
- R
ダウンロード:48 - 投稿日時:2025-01-22 13:29:55 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-24 01:10:52 UTC
Quasi-likelihood ratio tests and the Bartlett-type correction for improved inferences of the modified Poisson and least-squares regressions for binary outcomes
Noma, Hisashi、Hiroshi Sunada、Masahiko Gosho- generalized linear model
- estimating equation
- quasi-likelihood
- bootstrap
- separation problem
ダウンロード:40 - 投稿日時:2025-01-10 14:57:39 UTC - 公開日時:2025-01-14 10:37:05 UTC
Deep Core Activation Method Utilizing Wearable Cyborg HAL in Supine Position for Improving Anorectal Motility: A Case Study for a Patient with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Hayato Tamai、Hiroaki Kawamoto、Akira Uehara、Masao Koda、Yoshiyuki Sankai- Neurogenic bowel dysfunction
- Anorectal motility
- Spinal cord injury
- Hybrid Assistive Limb
- Case study
ダウンロード:115 - 投稿日時:2024-08-28 08:19:08 UTC - 公開日時:2024-09-11 05:52:11 UTC
Potential Corneal Donation in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: a Case-Control Study
Okazaki, Yuji、Noritomo Fujisaki、Hideto Fukui、Kyongko Huh、Takayuki Otani、Toshihisa Ichiba、Hiroshi Naito、Yuki Kataoka- Case-control study
- Corneal donation
- Emergency department
- Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- Potential donor
ダウンロード:60 - 投稿日時:2024-09-04 11:04:40 UTC - 公開日時:2024-09-06 09:48:46 UTC
Comment to Anzai et al., BMC Infectious Diseases (2022)
Kurita, Junko、Ohkusa, Yasushi- COVID-19
- Go To Travel Campaign
- policy evaluation
- sightseeing tourism
- long distance travel
ダウンロード:58 - 投稿日時:2024-08-02 06:51:56 UTC - 公開日時:2024-08-15 00:45:34 UTC
澤, 祐斗、シーボーン, ケイティー- エイジズム(年齢差別)
- 認知バイアス
- 高齢者
- オンライン調査
- アンケート
- ローカライズ
- 翻訳
- アンケートの検証
ダウンロード:103 - 投稿日時:2024-07-26 03:29:40 UTC - 公開日時:2024-08-07 10:12:09 UTC
Aspects of Partnership Formation between Local Citizens and Researchers Who Implemented Support Activities Related to Recovery and Preparedness for Natural Disasters - Quantitative Text Analysis of Interviews with Researchers
Miyuki ISHIBASHI、Naho SATO、Yuko AMAMIYA、Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI 、Akiko SAKAJYO、Kazuma HAIDA- Citizen Science
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Ethics, Research
- Japan
- Natural Disasters
ダウンロード:97 - 投稿日時:2024-04-25 02:34:54 UTC - 公開日時:2024-05-07 01:14:03 UTC
木下, 千尋、松本, 愛美、佐藤, 大介- 認知症
- 進行性肺がん患者
- 看護師
- 意思決定支援
ダウンロード:361 - 投稿日時:2024-04-20 09:32:51 UTC - 公開日時:2024-04-30 23:26:36 UTC
Did travel truly spread infectious disease? The case of influenza during New Year vacation in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Sugawara, Tamie、Ohkusa, Yasushi- COVID-19
- airport users
- hotel visitors
- mobility
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
ダウンロード:88 - 投稿日時:2024-04-21 13:01:57 UTC - 公開日時:2024-04-24 11:14:05 UTC
Excess mortality during and after SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in Japan: Updated until November 2023
Kurita, Junko、Sugawara, Tamie、Ohkusa, Yasushi- excess mortality
- COVID-19
- all cause death
- stochastic frontier estimation
- NIID model
- Tokyo
- Japan
ダウンロード:999 - 投稿日時:2022-04-27 04:32:31 UTC - 公開日時:2024-02-28 05:19:23 UTC - バージョン:11
Exercises utilizing the Hybrid Assistive Limb lumbar type to prevent frailty: a randomized controlled trial
Saito, Yoshinobu、Sho Nakamura、Takashi Kasukawa、Makoto Nagasawa、Yuko Oguma、Hiroto Narimatsu- biofeedback
- exercise
- frailty
- Hybrid Assistive Limb
- physical function
- sarcopenia
ダウンロード:235 - 投稿日時:2024-02-22 02:36:32 UTC - 公開日時:2024-02-27 23:48:33 UTC
武田, 桃佳、佐藤, 大介- がん相談支援センター
- 就労支援
- 多職種連携
ダウンロード:260 - 投稿日時:2023-12-24 23:39:19 UTC - 公開日時:2023-12-26 01:24:58 UTC
穴澤, 活郎- 再生産数
- 世代時間
- ガンマ分布
- オイラー・ロトカ式
- 新型コロナウイルス
ダウンロード:242 - 投稿日時:2023-11-16 06:18:22 UTC - 公開日時:2023-11-20 00:34:44 UTC
Sidesplitting using network meta-regression
Noma, Hisashi- network meta-analysis
- contrast-based approach
- sidesplitting
- inconsistency
- design-by-treatment interaction
ダウンロード:165 - 投稿日時:2023-08-25 09:40:33 UTC - 公開日時:2023-08-29 10:30:27 UTC
Within-study covariance estimators for network meta-analysis with contrast-based approach
Noma, Hisashi- network meta-analysis
- contrast-based approach
- multivariate random-effects model
- within-study covariance matrix
- network meta-regression
ダウンロード:136 - 投稿日時:2023-08-19 16:49:22 UTC - 公開日時:2023-08-24 02:18:52 UTC
Effectiveness of mask in COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Tamie Sugawara、Yasushi Ohkusa- SARS-CoV-2
- effective reproduction number
- mask
- vaccine coverage
- waning in vaccine effectiveness
ダウンロード:265 - 投稿日時:2023-05-18 05:29:41 UTC - 公開日時:2023-06-22 09:58:32 UTC - バージョン:2
Association of sightseeing tourists and COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of a hot spring resort
Kurita, Junko、Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- COVID-19
- hotel visitors
- hot spring resort
- effective reproduction number
- sightseeing tourism
ダウンロード:156 - 投稿日時:2023-03-31 08:00:42 UTC - 公開日時:2023-04-04 01:23:56 UTC
Association of sightseeing tourists and COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of a resort island
Kurita, Junko、Yoshitaro Iwasaki- COVID-19
- airport users
- effective reproduction number
- hotel visitors
- resort island
- sightseeing tourists
ダウンロード:187 - 投稿日時:2023-02-28 06:07:06 UTC - 公開日時:2023-03-02 00:18:56 UTC
Infectivity of omicron BQ.1.1 comparison with other strains of SARS-Cov-2 in Japan
Kurita, Junko、Tamie Sugawara、Yasushi Ohkusa- SARS-CoV-2
- effective reproduction number
- BQ.1.1.
- omicron variant strain
- vaccine coverage
- waning in vaccine effectiveness
ダウンロード:167 - 投稿日時:2023-02-21 05:23:16 UTC - 公開日時:2023-02-24 06:50:44 UTC
Did visitors for sightseeing actually spread COVID-19 outbreak dominated the omicron variant strain in Japan ? A case study at resort island.
Kurita, Junko、Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- COVID-19
- airport users
- hotel visitors
- mobility
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
ダウンロード:206 - 投稿日時:2022-12-29 07:30:10 UTC - 公開日時:2023-01-06 05:13:23 UTC
古山, 誠- 光干渉断層計
- 緑内障
- 視野
- 深層学習
ダウンロード:1344 - 投稿日時:2022-09-20 04:54:45 UTC - 公開日時:2022-12-12 05:29:43 UTC - バージョン:6
Did Visitors Cause Outbreaks of COVID-19 Dominated by the Original Strain? Ex Post Evaluation of Long-Distance Travel Bans
Kurita, Junko、 Iwasaki, Yoshitaro- airport users
- COVID-19
- effective reproduction number
- Go To Travel Campaign
- hotel visitors
- mobility
ダウンロード:184 - 投稿日時:2022-12-02 01:16:45 UTC - 公開日時:2022-12-05 11:43:41 UTC