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Cognitive Decline Screening Model for Staff at Community General Support Centers

An IRIDE Cohort Study


  • Ogawa, Susumu Research Team for Social Participation and Healthy Aging, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5832-8314
  • Takumi Abe School of Commerce, Meiji University
  • Daichi Yamashiro Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Mari Yamashita Research Team for Promoting Independence and Mental Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Hiroyuki Sasai Research Team for Promoting Independence and Mental Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Shuichi Obuchi Research Team for Human Care, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Hiroshi Murayama Research Team for Social Participation and Healthy Aging, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Takumi Hirata Research Team for Human Care, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Hiroyuki Suzuki Research Team for Social Participation and Healthy Aging, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Yoshinori Fujiwara Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Shuichi Awata Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Masahiro Akishita Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Kenji Toba Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • IRIDE Cohort Study Investigators Integrated Research Initiative for Living Well with Dementia, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology




community-dwelling adults、 Mini-Mental State Examination、 model development、 Japan


Background: A tool to assess cognitive function among community-dwelling older adults without cognitive testing is needed because regular cognitive assessments require considerable time and effort owing to the rapidly aging population. This study developed a screening model for the early detection of cognitive decline for use by community general support center staff and verify its accuracy.

Methods: We used a dataset from the IRIDE Cohort Study (data from five cohorts merged) and created two models. Age, sex, medical history, and lifestyle factors were included as variables in Model 1. Model 2 additionally included years of education. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted using Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores as the objective variable. Subsequently, the integer scores of the coefficients were calculated to develop the final models.

Results: The analysis included 7,028 individuals (4,549 women, mean age = 74.8). Of the participants, 512 (7.3%) had MMSE scores below 24, indicating cognitive decline. In the final version of Model 1, the cutoff value was 4/5; sensitivity, 76.2%; and specificity, 63.1%, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.774 (95% CI = 0.754–0.795). In the final version of Model 2, the cutoff value was 0/1; sensitivity, 76.6%; specificity, 68.7%; and AUC, 0.804 (95% CI = 0.786–0.823).

Conclusions: Both models had acceptable accuracy for detecting cognitive decline, but Model 2 was more accurate. Therefore, it is important for staff to ask respondents about their years of education.


We have no conflict of interest to declare.

ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します



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投稿日時: 2025-03-14 10:05:22 UTC

公開日時: 2025-03-19 09:58:57 UTC