Within-study covariance estimators for network meta-analysis with contrast-based approach
network meta-analysis、 contrast-based approach、 multivariate random-effects model、 within-study covariance matrix、 network meta-regression抄録
The contrast-based approach is one of the primary approaches in network meta-analysis. For statistical modeling in network meta-analysis and meta-regression models, within-study covariance estimates are needed to adequately address the correlations among the multivariate outcomes. In this computational note, we present the formulas of covariance estimators for standard effect measures used in modern meta-analysis practice: risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio, mean difference, and standardized mean difference (Cohen's d and Hedge's g).
The authors have no conflict interest to declare.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2023-08-19 16:49:22 UTC
公開日時: 2023-08-24 02:18:52 UTC
Noma, Hisashi

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