The current status and potential of neighbourhood associations in an individualized society
a comparison of urban and rural areas
neighbourhood associations, community, social isolation, collaboration, togetherAbstract
This paper analyses the role and function of the neighbourhood associations(chonaikai) in today's highly individualised society from a sociological perspective, comparing an urban area (Kanazawa City) and a rural area (Hakui City). Specifically, a survey was conducted on the chonaikai chairpersons in both cities to compare the management of the chonaikai, the awareness of its members and the actual status of community activities. The survey results show that in Kanazawa City, a lack of qualified board members, a delay in the digitalisation of activities and a decline in residents' interest in activities emerged as problems. On the other hand, in Hakui, a high participation rate has been maintained, but the ageing of the board members and the decline in residents' awareness of participation have become problems. In response to these issues, it was suggested that it is necessary to promote the participation of younger people, promote digitisation and strengthen cooperation with the administration. Neighbourhood associations play an important role in strengthening links between local residents and reducing social isolation and loneliness, but new measures are required to ensure sustainable management.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
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Submitted: 2024-05-31 12:17:45 UTC
Published: 2024-06-07 10:17:55 UTC
Copyright (c) 2024
Hiroshi Tanabe
Tomoko Manabe

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