Relationship between disaster prevention awareness and personality traits of Japanese elementary school students
elementary school students, disaster prevention awareness, personality traitsAbstract
This study aims to clarify the relationship between elementary school students’ personality traits and disaster prevention awareness. The participants were fifth-and sixth-graders at an elementary school. The Content of Evaluation consisted of 40 items of a 5-factor personality test for elementary school students as personality traits, and 10 questions on disaster prevention awareness. In all, 124 fifth- and sixth-grade students participated in the survey, and after excluding non-respondents, 117 students were included in the analysis. Regarding the children’s personality traits, their scores on the two items of agreeableness and controllability were higher than the standard average values, indicating that the children had a strong sense of concern and responsibility for others. Regarding children’s disaster prevention awareness, the scores for such items as “Do you think natural disasters are scary?” were high. In addition, controllability showed a significant positive correlation with 9 of the 10 disaster prevention awareness items, and multiple regression analysis showed that it was an influencing factor for 7 disaster prevention awareness items. Controllability was shown to be the personality trait that most influenced disaster prevention awareness. In the future, it will be important to foster a broader culture of disaster prevention while leveraging individual strengths.
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Submitted: 2023-11-17 05:43:59 UTC
Published: 2023-11-21 09:47:44 UTC
Copyright (c) 2023
Takako Shimizu
Akihisa Sakai
Keita Kobayashi
Masami Nohara
Asami Sasaki
Kazuaki Masuda
Daisuke Sato

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