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Japanese Art of the Late Edo Period Analyzed through Western Copperplate Prints

A Study of the Paintings of Utagawa Toyoharu and Panini




Ukiyoe, Toyoharu Utagawa, Japanese Art, Panini, Etching, Rome, neoclassicism, perspective, Megane-e, Piranesi


This paper points out that the original woodblock print of Utagawa Toyoharu's (17351814) "Dutch Franciscan Monastery" is based on William Austin's (1721–1820)"Ruins of Ancient Rome" (1756). It is possible that Austin's works was created by combining paintings by the Italian artist Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765) and sold as his works.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2025-02-25 16:27:51 UTC

Published: 2025-03-04 02:26:41 UTC
Literature, Language & Linguistics and Art