Development and Validation of the Japanese Parental Care Motivation Scale
Scale development, Validation, Parental motivation, Protection, NurturanceAbstract
This research aimed to create a self-report instrument that measures two aspects of parental motivation: protection and nurturance. The Japanese version of the Parental Care Motivation (JPCM) scale was developed based on the theoretical framework and factor structure of the Parental Care and Tenderness-protection/nurturance (PCAT-pn) scale. Two studies were conducted to test the scale’s factor structure, reliability, and validity. The results indicated a solid two-factor structure, high internal consistency, stability over one month, and sound concurrent and discriminant validity. The protection and nurturance subscales and the total score were correlated in the predicted directions with empathy, the Big-Five personality traits, the behavioral activation system, and moral judgments regarding disgusting social norm violations. Specifically, the protection subscale was associated with moral condemnation of adult perpetrators, whereas the nurturance subscale was associated with lenient judgments of adults and children who violated norms. The results support the validity and reliability of this eight-item scale as a measure of the two aspects of parental motivation in the Japanese population.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2024-09-10 04:28:12 UTC
Published: 2024-09-12 06:23:34 UTC
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Reina Takamatsu
Hiroshi Nittono

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