Preprint / Version 1

New Developments in Open Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Open Architecture on the Sales Process of Japanese Pharmaceutical Companies


  • Takahisa Yamazaki Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Business Administration



open innovation, sales process, Japanese pharmaceutical companies, ROS (return on sales), value acquisition


The report derives the hypothesis that open innovation on the sales process could provide the higher profit margin of Japanese pharmaceutical companies. Based on the case analysis of Takeda, Chugai and Shionogi, which represent Japan pharmaceutical industry, the relationship between the rate of openness on the sales process and the return on sales confirmed a positive correlation. The study also found a positive correlation between the openness on the sales process and the closure on the research process.

In the context of changing drug discovery technologies and scale of markets, Japanese pharmaceutical companies are inferior to global mega-pharmaceutical ones in terms of their sales processes on a global scale. Japanese pharmaceutical companies have another strategic option of open innovation on the sales process for improving the efficiency of value acquisition in a globally competitive market.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

TAKAHISA YAMAZAKI is belonging as a director, head of oncology business unit head in Amgen K.K. which is one of the biotech pharmaceutical industry since 2019.

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Submitted: 2024-07-08 09:19:56 UTC

Published: 2024-07-10 05:25:14 UTC
Economics, Business & Management