Preprint / Version 1

Resource Mobilization for New Business Creation Led by Middle Manager

Dynamics Based on Business Model


  • Shinnosuke Kubota PARAMOUNT BED CO., LTD. Technical Emgineering Div. Product Development Dept.
  • Taichi Kishimoto Tokyo University of Science. Graduate School of Management.



resource mobilization, business model, innovation, new business creation


Resource mobilization is an important issue in achieving new business creation and innovation. Research has been actively conducted to identify and extract the leading roles and influencing factors. Examples include the top and the middle as leading actors, and leadership and organizational structure as influencing factors.

On the other hand, large-scale resource mobilization is expected to be a phenomenon achieved through the fusion of multiple leading actors and influencing factors. Despite this, research on dynamic relationships is relatively inactive. In this study, we encountered a case that could not be explained by existing research.

The leading role was played by a specific middle manager. On the other hand, the starting point of the process was the business model. And the process was not unidirectional but multidirectional. More precisely, while the business model was the starting point and core, resources were cumulatively amplified by dynamically linking with other factors. In other words, the starting point for resource mobilization in this case is the "middle" and the "business model."This is a mechanism in which "organizational creation," "resource mobilization," and "business model refinement" stimulate each other, driving the evolving dynamics and continuously amplifying resource mobilization.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

No conflict of interest

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Submitted: 2024-07-05 08:06:22 UTC

Published: 2024-07-10 05:14:22 UTC
Economics, Business & Management