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Project-Based Learning For Promoting Agricultural Diversification Using Local Cuisine Made With Purslane In A Collaboration Between Industry, Local Government, University And Finance


  • Noriko Mihara Faculty of Education, Art, and Science, Yamagata University
  • Hiromasa Doi Faculty of Education, Art, and Science, Yamagata University
  • Yuri Yaguchi Faculty of Education, Art, and Science, Yamagata University
  • Takaharu Kozakai Faculty of Education, Art, and Science, Yamagata University



regional cooperation activities, project based learning, agricultural diversification, local cuisine, purslane


The Japanese government has promoted agricultural diversification as the sixth industrialization.  From 2016 to 2019, third-year students from the Faculty of Education, Art, and Science at Yamagata University engaged in project-based learning to advance sixth industrialization in Iide Town, Okitama region, Yamagata Prefecture.  We focused on developing and marketing new food products using traditional cuisine made with purslane (known as "HYO" in the Yamagata dialect) and also worked on food education initiatives.  We implemented a practical social internship program through a collaboration between industry, local government, university, and finance.  This program focused on analyzing the ingredients of purslane and developing new food (Hyo-manjuu) using local cuisine.  We also designed promotional materials and created image strategies for urban markets.  Additionally, we conducted food education activities for the next generation.  As a result of the course, university students improved their collaboration and communication skills. Moreover, a sustainable regional collaborative education model was established between Yamagata university and industry. 

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The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.

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Submitted: 2024-05-29 01:17:14 UTC

Published: 2024-05-31 04:54:47 UTC
Interdisciplinary Sciences