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Preprint / Version 1

The applicability of Large Language Model(LLM) techniques to legacy information retrieval systems such as OPAC




OPAC, large language model, LLM, generative AI, University Libraries, Online Puyblic Access Catalogue


This paper shows that with advances in large language model (LLM) techniques such as GPT, they can be applied to legacy retrieval systems such as the Library's Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for the following tasks: generating search questions, transforming them into search query, semantically aware retrieval, search results and evaluating their suitability. It was shown that it could be applied to each of the search processes. It was also investigated that the OPAC itself can serve as an information infrastructure for LLM.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2024-04-27 13:19:21 UTC

Published: 2024-05-07 01:18:21 UTC


Reason(s) for revision

Information Sciences