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Supporting nurses’ decision-making in treatment strategies for patients with advanced lung cancer and dementia


  • Chihiro Kinoshita College of NursingSchool of Medical Sciences,University of Fukui
  • Ami Matsumoto College of NursingSchool of Medical Sciences,University of Fukui
  • Daisuke Sato Faculty of Medical Sciences,Division of Nursing,Field of Clinical Nursing, University of Fukui



dementia, advanced lung cancer patients, nurses, decision-making support


This study aims to investigate the support provided by nurses in assisting decision-making about treatment strategies for patients with advanced lung cancer and dementia. The study also explores what nursing support may be needed in the future. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses at Hospital A. Verbatim transcripts were first created from the recorded content, and then abstracted and categorized based on similarities. Consequently, cooperation between the two nurses was achieved. Qualitative inductive analysis yielded three categories, eight subcategories, and 34 codes: “understanding of the patient's illness and treatment,” “involvement with patients receiving chemotherapy,” and “decision-making support for families.” For patients with advanced lung cancer and dementia, early family involvement in advance care planning (ACP) is recommended to ascertain patients’ treatment preferences and future life expectations. This allows nurses to offer support that respects patients’ wishes. Furthermore, decision-making support should extend beyond choosing between active treatment and palliative care; it should also consider the broadly challenges faced by patients and families and be provided continuously from the start of treatment to the end of life.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2024-04-20 09:32:51 UTC

Published: 2024-04-30 23:26:36 UTC
General Medicine, Social Medicine, & Nursing Sciences