COM Shifter and Body Rotator for Step-by-Step Teleoperation of Bipedal Robots
Teleoperation, Bipedal robots, Cart-flywheel-table modelAbstract
This paper presents a controller for step-by-step teleoperation of bipedal robots, in which the user commands the robot's foot motions in a step-by-step manner through a pair of hand-held 3-degree-of-freedom haptic devices. This teleoperation scheme allows users to precisely manipulate the swing foot motions to traverse rough terrains by avoiding obstacles. The scheme requires a controller that quickly responds to the user commands and maintains the balance even under erroneous user commands. The main components of the proposed controller are a COM (center of mass) shifter and a body rotator, which are built upon a cart-flywheel-table model of bipedal robots. The COM shifter is a simple feedback controller to produce a COM motion according to a reference ZMP (zero moment point). The body rotator is a complement for the COM shifter to produce an appropriate angular momentum rate to enhance the regulation of ZMP. The proposed controller is validated in our interactive/realtime simulation environment.
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The authors declare no potential conflict of interests.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Yachen Zhang
Ryo Kikuuwe

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