Preprint / Version 2

Materials Curation® Support System: case studies




database of relations, validity checking with property database, materials properties, inter-relationship, examples of relationships


Materials Curation® Support System, which enables users to explore relationship among various materials properties, was proposed and a software-implemented prototype has been developed. The system aims to support the human’s engagement by expanding individual knowledge to wide range of materials science regardless of material categories and applications. It also helps choice of descriptors in machine learning and reasoning of machine-learned results in materials science. 15 examples of material property relations found in the system have been validated with corresponding material property values in databases, in this article.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The author declares no potential conflict of interests.

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Submitted: 2023-05-26 05:40:33 UTC

Published: 2023-05-29 10:05:13 UTC — Updated on 2023-08-09 07:23:41 UTC


Reason(s) for revision

At the first version written, there are bags in the database PoLyInfo referred. Revise of the manuscript has been done by replacing and adding data from the PoLyInfo after the bags were fixed.
Nanosciences & Materials Sciences