Three ways of spilling harm in/by online hate-speech and non-regulatory approaches
hate-speech, dignity, speech act theory, moderation, circumstances of politics, Identity politicsAbstract
This paper attempts to clarify the nature of online hate speech and its harmful effects from the perspective of "illocutionary/perlocutionary" acts in the philosophy of language, which has been newly developed in recent years, and to identify the grounds that should be considered in determining its permissibility and desirable forms of (criminal) legal intervention.
In section 1, we will analyze the characteristics of online spaces in which the blinding and silencing of speech itself, such as so-called content moderation, is made possible by the quasi-regulatory actions of digital platform operators other than the state as the regulating entity.
Online hate speech is said to cause harm through derogatory and discriminatory speech toward groups, but what is the nature of this harm? Given that the harm is directed at groups rather than individuals, how is the harm to individuals generated through collective attributes, and how is the harm constituted through the spatial and linguistic characteristics of online hate speech in non-face-to-face situations? These questions are addressed in this section.
In section 2, we clarify the premises for questioning the punishability of online hate speech on the basis of the above characteristics of harm. To this end, we will attempt to organize the premises of the concept of punishability and the inherent limitations of the law that underlie and limit the enforcement of (punishment), based on the relationship between the mechanism of harm and the enforcement of (punishment).
In section 3, we more specifically categorize the risk trade-off between harm and regulation as a law-inherent constraint for each situation of legal intervention or non-intervention.
Section 4 presents the possibility of linking the approaches seen in this paper to the accumulation of arguments originating in free speech market theory, which is distinct from the steps taken in this paper, which focus on harms, and their positioning.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2023-04-10 17:52:43 UTC
Published: 2023-04-14 10:40:02 UTC
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