Preprint / Version 1

Ecological inference based on kinship assignment: a new approach to obtain contemporary information for conservation purposes


  • Tetsuya Akita Fisheries Resources Institute, Fisheries Research and Education Agency



parentage, close-kin mark-recaputure, population size estimation


In this report, we review the close-kin mark-recapture (CKMR) method, which is recently developed for estimating adult population size and life-history parameters in the context of fisheries stock assessment. The rationale is that kin pairs in the sample are less likely to be observed in larger populations; thus, the number of kin pairs may reflect the number of adults in the population. Here, we provide an overview of the method based on parent--offspring pairs, which is used in most of the literature on practical examples of the CKMR method. First, we explain the simple model using analogies to the classical mark-recapture method. Next, we show the the conditions under which the complex model is needed, instead of the simple model. Then, we review literatures that apply the CKMR method using parent--offspring relationships. Finally, we discuss the utility and uncertainty of the method. Further rapid progress of the CKMR method is expected from the broad application of other types of kinship relationships, including half-sibling pairs.

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Submitted: 2023-02-10 03:49:44 UTC

Published: 2023-02-13 08:27:09 UTC
Biology, Life Sciences & Basic Medicine