Preprint / Version 2

One-sided Kernel Principal Component Analysis


  • Hiroyuki Yamamoto Japan Computational Mass Spectrometry (JCompMS) group



principal component analysis, kernel method, metabolomics


Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used in omics research, such as metabolomics. Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) is also widely used in machine learning because it can compute various nonlinear PCA depending on the flexible setting of the kernel function, but it is rarely used in omics research. One of the reasons why KPCA has not been used for omics data analysis is that it cannot directly calculate principal component loadings to select important variables such as metabolites. In this study, we propose one-sided KPCA that can directly compute and use principal component loadings to select important variables.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

I have no financial relationships to disclose.

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Submitted: 2023-01-31 12:55:05 UTC

Published: 2023-02-01 23:25:39 UTC — Updated on 2023-10-10 02:17:40 UTC


Reason(s) for revision

Due to the addition of the analysis results.
Information Sciences