Preprint / Version 2

Stylistic Analysis of Essays on the themes of ‘Past’ and ‘Future’


  • Masayuki ASAHARA National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, National Institutes for Humanities
  • Ayaka KAWASAKI Faculty of Human Sciences, Bunkyo University
  • Izumi UEHARA Institute for Education and Human Development, Ochanomizu University
  • Yutaka SAKAI Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University
  • Momoka SUDO Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
  • Tomoe TANIGUCHI Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
  • Ichiro KOBAYASHI Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
  • Ayako OCHI National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, National Institutes for Humanities
  • Ayaka SUZUKI National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, National Institutes for Humanities



Essays, Distributions of Parts of Speech, Linear Mixed Model, Past and Future, Vocabulary Distribution


The present research reports on a stylistic analysis of essays on the themes of “past” and “future”. The electronized essay texts are given the UniDic morphological information, and their styles are analysed in terms of the frequency of part of speech. The vocabulary used in the essays are matched with the Fundamental Vocabulary of Educational Purpose and analysed in terms of the frequency of the vocabulary allocation. The analysis based on the Generalized Linear Mixed Model according to the essay themes, the age groups, and the gender types demonstrated that each attribute characterizes the variances in the essay styles. These variances are identified in the frequency of the vocabulary allocation as well as in the frequency of “tai (nouns)”, “yoo (verbs)”, and “soo (modifiers)”.

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There are no conflicts of interest.

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Submitted: 2022-09-27 01:50:03 UTC

Published: 2022-09-30 01:13:02 UTC — Updated on 2023-01-13 06:54:18 UTC


Reason(s) for revision

Due to identified discrepancies in the explanation of the statistics in the paper.
Literature, Language & Linguistics and Art