Preprint / Version 1

A New Indicator of Injury and Fatality Risk in Automobile Accidents

The Impact of Pre-existing Conditions and Non-traumatic Factors




Traffic accident, Safety technology, Trauma, Pre-existing conditions, ISS


This study analyzes the impact of pre-existing conditions as a new indicator of injury and fatality risk in automobile accidents. Using CISS data (2017-2022, 9,889 cases), statistical analysis was conducted using chi-square tests and t-tests. The results show that individuals with pre-existing conditions have a 6.7 times higher risk of severe injury and a 3.4 times higher risk of fatality even in minor collisions. These findings suggest that future safety technologies should evolve beyond energy absorption strategies and incorporate occupant-specific safety measures.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

No Conflict of Interest

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Submitted: 2025-03-04 23:26:27 UTC

Published: 2025-03-11 00:57:08 UTC
Engineering in General