Preprint / Version 1

Quasi-likelihood ratio tests and the Bartlett-type correction for improved inferences of the modified Poisson and least-squares regressions for binary outcomes


  • Hisashi Noma Department of Data Science, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  • Hiroshi Sunada Advanced Medicine, Innovation and Clinical Research Center, Tottori University Hospital
  • Masahiko Gosho Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba



generalized linear model, estimating equation, quasi-likelihood, bootstrap, separation problem


Logistic regression has been a standard multivariate analysis method for binary outcomes in clinical and epidemiological studies; however, the odds ratios cannot be interpreted as effect measures directly. The modified Poisson and least-squares regressions are alternative effective methods to provide risk ratio and risk difference estimates. However, their ordinary Wald-type inference methods using the sandwich variance estimator seriously underestimate the statistical errors under small or moderate sample settings. In this article, we develop alternative likelihood-ratio-type inference methods for these regression analyses based on Wedderburn’s quasi-likelihood theory. A remarkable advantage of the proposed methods is that we have correct information for the true models (i.e., the binomial log-linear and linear models). Using this modeling information, we develop an effective parametric bootstrap algorithm for accurate inferences. In particular, we propose the Bartlett-type mean calibration approach and bootstrap test-based approach for the quasi-likelihood ratio statistic. In addition, we propose another computationally efficient modified approximate quasi-likelihood ratio statistic whose large sample distribution can be approximated by the chi-squared distribution and its bootstrap inference method. In numerical studies by simulations, the new bootstrap-based methods outperformed the current standard Wald-type confidence interval. We applied these methods to a clinical study of epilepsy.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding this article.

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Submitted: 2025-01-10 14:57:39 UTC

Published: 2025-01-14 10:37:05 UTC
General Medicine, Social Medicine, & Nursing Sciences