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Organizational change through "Kata(models)" and "management philosophy"

The case of Company X, which operates a kimono rental and photo studio business


  • Ayahito Yokoyama Business Sciences Program, University of Tsukuba
  • Hidenori Sato Graduate school of business sciences, University of Tsukuba



organizational change, meaning making, recognizing legitimacy, work process, management philosophy


In organizational change, it is important to focus on how members perceive the change. At Company X, leaders showed members the correct work processes as "models" and instilled in them the need to achieve customer satisfaction based on the company's management philosophy. In addition, the introduction of an objective personnel evaluation system and feedback from customer satisfaction surveys enabled members to approach their work with confidence. Behind this was that members perceived the series of efforts as "growth" and linked their own growth with the growth of the organization, which gave them legitimacy in engaging in the change and changed their perception to a positive one. Consequently, this organizational change was powerfully driven forward.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

This research was supported by Softbrain Service Co., Ltd.

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Submitted: 2024-12-23 21:35:33 UTC

Published: 2025-01-10 00:27:12 UTC
Economics, Business & Management