The inertial principle is used to demonstrate the force source of space planets
Moment of inertia、 Parallel axis principle、 Equilibrium equation、 Inertial surging force、 Acceleration of gravity抄録
According to the argument of general relativity that massive star distort space-time and make small ones circle around it, the moment of inertia, which integrates the mass property and the kinetic energy of distorting spac-time, is taken as the characteristic of planets, and the process of the growth of natural inertia motion of planets is demonstrated, it further shows that the source of planetary gravity comes from the inertial surge force spreading into space during the inertial moving of a planet, so that two or more planets get force each other, forming their own gravitational acceleration. Through the balance equation of inertia of the earth and the moon, the orbit of the earth around the moon is obtained with the moon as the frame of reference, and the gravitational acceleration value of the earth and the moon is calculated through the analysis of the two orbits of the Earth-Moon, the Sun-Earth. The value is basically consistent with the actual measured value, thus proving that the inertial force is the driving force for the motion of all planets.
There is no conflict of interest.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2024-10-04 12:05:56 UTC
公開日時: 2024-10-22 09:08:09 UTC
Qun He

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