How Current Technologies and Parenting Trends Have Shaped Generation Z
Generation Z、 Generational traits、 Theory of generations、 Sociology of generations抄録
Generation Z, the largest cohort of today, is the first generation to have its members develop themselves psychosocially within a truly digitized society, resulting in traits and trends that have not yet been adequately understood by society nor described by academia. The study at hand examines the effects of growing up in an ever-connected reality without adequate mediation and presents data suggesting that sGeeveral of Generation Z’s idiosyncrasies derive primarily from the factors here discussed: the negative consequences of the excessive use of digital devices since a very early age, the constant presence in a computerized reality that blurs the line between the real and virtual worlds, and contemporary parents’ excessive influence in their children’s lives.
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投稿日時: 2024-05-05 17:01:17 UTC
公開日時: 2024-05-27 09:50:37 UTC
Sanches Filho, Jayme

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