Coordination numbers for rare-earths ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) in crystalline state
a mini-review
Aminopolycarboxylate, CCDC, Chelate, Complex ion, Lanthanide, StructureAbstract
The crystal structures of rare earth elements (REE) ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), including potential applications in biomedical engineering, have been briefly reviewed by some researchers. However, there is no systematization of almost all of REE-EDTA complexes. Therefore, in the present study, a total of 109 kinds of REE-EDTA (without Sc, Pm, and Tm) were searched in the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) and their coordination numbers (C.N.) are summarized. The largest number of REE-EDTA registered is La-EDTA for 21 kinds, followed by 13 each for Ce- and Gd-EDTA. The C.N. of each complex ranged from 10 to 9 for light REE (La-Sm) and 9 to 8 for heavy REE (Y and Eu-Lu), suggesting that a decreasing in the C.N. of lanthanoid (Ln)-EDTA is considered to be due to lanthanide contraction. The C.N. of Tb-EDTA deviated slightly from the overall decreasing C.N. in Ln-EDTA complexes would be because of a lack of sufficient number of the samples registered.
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Submitted: 2023-05-31 03:19:35 UTC
Published: 2023-06-02 01:29:00 UTC
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Daisuke Noguchi

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