Multicomponent topology optimization method considering assemblability using a fictitious physical model
Topology optimization、 Assemblability、 Extended level set method、 Multicomponent design、 Fictitious physical model、 Finite element method、 FreeFEM抄録
This paper proposes a multicomponent topology optimization method that considers assemblability. Generally, it is difficult to consider assemblability in topology optimization; however, in this study, we achieve it by introducing a fictitious physical model. To perform multicomponent topology optimization, the extended level set method is used to represent multiple components. First, the assembly constraints are formulated using a fictitious physical model limited to two components. Then, by considering stepwise assembly, the constraint is extended to three or more components. In addition, topology optimization algorithms are constructed using the finite element method. Several numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain structures with assemblability and has low initial structure dependence.
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投稿日時: 2022-03-28 03:54:34 UTC
公開日時: 2022-04-01 06:04:47 UTC
Ryoma Hirosawa
Masaki Noda
Kei Matsushima
Yuki Noguchi
Takayuki Yamada

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