Free software for general prediction of surface and interface segregation: SurfSeg - updated
segregation、 diffusion、 mixing enthalpy、 surface energy、 bulk modulus抄録
The updated functions of a free software for general prediction of surface and interface segregation, SurfSeg, is reported. So far, only surface segregation of underlayer element on the top film surface was implemented in SurfSeg. With the current update, Surface segregation (bulk), Interface segregation (film), and Interface segregation (bulk) have become available. The mathematical formula for each type of prediction have been provided in the article. Dump screens of the software for operating the predictions, input of an element for prediction and the display of the predicted results are given.
The author declares no potential conflict of interests.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2023-02-23 23:45:28 UTC
公開日時: 2023-02-27 02:11:48 UTC
Yoshitake, Michiko

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