Microscopic and Macroscopic Physical Properties of Meta-chert
Digital image correlation method、 Coefficient of thermal expansion、 Aggregate、 Direct tensile test、 Natural fracture抄録
Herein, to determine the methods of obtaining various properties of aggregates, quartz-rich quartzite is selected, two types of different regions in aggregate, a region (white region) where quartz grains are densely compacted and another region (gray region) where quartz grains are secondarily formed coarsely, are tested for the linear expansion coefficient, and the tensile strength and Young’s modulus. The microscopic data were compared with macroscopic data. Young’s modulus is not significantly different between that of macroscopic compression and that of microscopic tension loading in the white region. Macroscopic splitting tensile strength shows bimodal behavior due to the failure mechanisms dominated by two different regions, which was experimentally confirmed by the data of the microscopic direct tensile loading test. The coefficients of thermal expansion of the macroscopic test are similar to that of the microscopic experiment for the white region, which is well reflected by the nature of quartz, on the contrary, the microscopic coefficient of thermal expansion of the gray region shows completely different behavior.
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投稿日時: 2022-10-15 05:57:25 UTC
公開日時: 2022-10-18 05:55:08 UTC
Koki Maekawa
Wei Wang
Hamza Samouh
Shunsuke Ishikawa
Osamu Kontani
Takahiro Ohkubo
Kenta Murakami
Kiyoteru Suzuki
Maruyama, Ippei

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