Allylic Alkylation Catalyzed by Molybdenum Complexes Containing Polydentate Phosphinoalkyl-Silyl Ligands
high regioselectivity、 Tsuji-Trost reaction、 trans-influence抄録
The reaction of allyl alcohol derivatives with soft carbon nucleophiles, such as dimethyl sodiomalonate, in the presence of catalytic quantities of silyl-molybdenum hydrido complexes ([MoH3{Si(R)[Ph2PCH2CH2P(Ph)C6H4-o]2}] or [MoH3([Ph2PCH2CH2P(Ph)C6H4-o]R2Si-P,P,Si)]) is probed. The regioselectivity of the reaction and the catalyst activity were found to be highly dependent on the solvents used. With trisubstituted double bond olefins, the products alkylated at the unsubstituted allylic terminus were obtained in 95-99% selectivity. This regioselectivity is complementary to the Ir-catalyzed reactions, in which highly regioselective alkylation at the substituted allylic terminus was achieved. Direct conversion of allylic alcohol was also examined. The reaction of ethylbenzenesulfonylacetate or diethyl malonate proceeds under neutral conditions without addition of bases from outside.
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投稿日時: 2022-03-24 05:10:44 UTC
公開日時: 2022-04-06 05:19:06 UTC
Minato, Makoto
Naoto Wada
Takefumi Katsuren
Hiroaki Shu

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