プレプリント / バージョン1

Impact of Al-tobermorite formation on ion transport in cementitious materials


  • Abudushalamu Aili Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
  • Maruyama, Ippei Graduate School of Engieering, The University of Tokyo
  • Yoshito Umeki Civil & Architectural Engineering Department, Chubu electric power Co., Inc.
  • Kazuhiro Yokokura Nuclear Safety Research & Development Center, Chubu electric power co., Inc.




Ionic diffusion、 tortuosity、 Al-tobermorite、 aged concrete、 cesium adsorption


In concrete structures intended for long-term use, the diffusion properties change over time with possible chemical reactions that may happen in the concrete. In this study, we performed a two-week Cesium Chloride diffusion test on cored samples from five different walls in a nuclear power plant. The reaction between feldspar group aggregates and cement paste was confirmed previously. We measured the diffusion profiles of Cesium and Chloride ions by electron probe micro analyzer. The diffusion of chloride ions was faster than cesium. Cesium was adsorbed into certain aggregates and replaced sodium, resulting in an anomalous diffusion profile. Taking into account the impact of charged surface of calcium aluminate silicate hydrates (C-A-S-H), we simulated the ionic diffusion with the finite difference method and obtained an apparent diffusion coefficient. The diffusion was slow in samples with lower calcium over alumina plus silica ratio of amorphous C-A-S-H. However, diffusion was more effortless in the samples containing the crystal form of C-A-S-H, Al-tobermorite. Such ease of diffusion could be attributed to the difference in morphology of C-A-S-H. In contrast to samples without Al-tobermorite, we observed higher cesium concentrations than chloride near the diffusion surface in samples with Al-tobermorite. It seems that the cesium was adsorbed in cement paste by exchanging with alkali on Al-sites.

ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します



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投稿日時: 2022-10-02 01:56:03 UTC

公開日時: 2022-10-05 08:44:42 UTC