Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine, Unified Concepts of Terminology Related to Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Advanced Care Planning, DNAR, anticipated rapid deteriorationAbstract
Healthcare professionals do not always fully understand or correctly use terms such as “do not attempt resuscitation” (DNAR) or “advance care planning” (ACP). The misunderstanding or misuse of these terms can lead to confusion in the clinical setting. To address this issue, the Geriatric Emergency Medicine Committee of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine has reviewed these terms to provide a clear and unified definition. The goal is to provide healthcare based on a shared understanding by promoting awareness and ensuring the proper use of these concepts in clinical practice.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The Japan Association for Acute Medicine covers conference expenses and transportation costs. Hiroyuki Yokota: Grants from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Science Research Grant 2024, Consulting fees from Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2024-12-11 13:59:16 UTC
Published: 2024-12-19 08:35:09 UTC
Copyright (c) 2024
Kaoruko Aita
Takeo Azuhata
Takao Arai
Hideki Ishikawa
Yuichiro Ishigami
Tosie Inoue
Mototaka Inaba
Shintaro Kajimoto
Hisashi Yamashita
Syouichi Ohta
Keisuke Kumada
Tadashi Nagato
Hiroyuki Yokota
Nobuhiro Inagaki
Masako Ozawa
Hiroko Kikuchi
Takashi Nihira
Hiraku Funahasi
Noriko Miyagawa
Arino Yaguchi
Toshihiko Mayumi
Hidetoshi Narimatsu
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