Current status and proposals for emergency care for elderly people 2024
Advanced Care Planning, End-of-life care, citizen, elderly care facilityAbstract
Currently, geriatric healthcare represents a significant challenge not only for older adults, their families, and healthcare providers but also for all individuals involved in caring for the elderly. Addressing this issue is an urgent societal priority. A discussion group, the "Forum on Emergency Issues for Older Adults," comprising various organizations related to geriatric healthcare, discussed the problems and the potential solutions in emergency medical care for older adults. The forum aimed to propose strategies to address the current state and pressing issues in geriatric emergency care.
The first part of the recommendations is presented with illustrative columns and is directed toward citizens, administrators and staffs of elderly care facilities, healthcare and welfare staffs involved in daily care for older adults, acute to chronic care hospital staffs, fire department personnel, medical control councils, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Fire and Disaster Management Agency. The second part discusses the current state of geriatric emergency care and response strategies reviewed by the forum.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The meeting expenses are covered by the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, while the travel expenses for committee members from each organization to attend the meetings are borne by their respective organizations.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2024-12-11 13:41:25 UTC
Published: 2024-12-19 08:33:12 UTC
Copyright (c) 2024
Toshihiko Mayumi
The Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
The Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine
The Japan Geriatrics Society
The Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine
The Japan Society for Prehospital Medicine
The Japanese Association for Home Care Medicine
The Japan Primary Care Association
The Japan Association of Medical and Care Facilities
The Japan Society for Homecare and Emergency Medicine
The Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing
The Japan Society of Care Management
Japan Association of Home Care Physicians
Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care
The Japanese Councill of Senior Citizens Welfare Service
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