Review of the Simulators used in Pharmacology Education and Statistical Models when creating the Simulators
pharmacological education、 animal use alternative、 simulator、 statistical model、 sigmoid curve抄録
Animal experiments have long been used as an educational tool in pharmacological education; however, from the perspective of animal welfare, it is necessary to decrease the number of animals used. In this review, we describe free downloadable and commercial simulators that are currently used in pharmacological education. Furthermore, we introduce two strategies to create simulators of animal experiments: (1) bioassay, and (2) experiments that measure the reaction time. We also describe five sigmoid curves (logistic curve, cumulative distribution function [CDF] of normal distribution, Gompertz curve, von Bertalanffy curve, and CDF of Weibull curve) to fit the results and their inverse functions. Using this strategy, it is possible to create a simulator that calculates the reaction time following drug administration. Moreover, we introduce a statistical model for local anesthetic agents using hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Considering the correlation among estimated parameters, we suggest it is possible to create simulators that give results more similar to those of animal experiments.
The authors declare that they have no competing interestダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2024-12-07 07:20:20 UTC
公開日時: 2024-12-11 00:22:44 UTC
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