Development and validate of the Negative Capability Scale
Negative Capability, Uncertainty, Wilfred R Bion, John KeatsAbstract
In recent years, we are increasingly exposed to uncertainty in our social lives. While the ability to make quick decisions is often prioritized, the concept of “negative capability” has emerged as equally critical. Negative capability refers to the ability to suspend hasty judgments and accept uncertainty. Although this concept has gained significant attention in the humanities and social sciences, its abstract nature has limited its operationalization and empirical investigation. Consequently, its psychological underpinnings and associations with other traits remain unclear. To address this gap, the present study aimed to develop and validate a psychometric scale for negative capability. Through two surveys, we constructed a scale that reflects the theoretical dimensions of the concept. The resulting bi-factor model includes a general representing overall negative capability and five distinct group factors. The scale showed robust psychometric properties, including a hypothesized factor structure and a positive correlation with measures of ambiguity acceptance. It also effectively differentiated between individuals based on procrastination tendencies and showed strong correlation with emotional stability, aligning with the conceptualization of negative capability as an ability to navigate interpersonal uncertainties. Despite potential overlaps with constructs such as mindfulness, the scale offers a novel tool for quantifying negative capability. Future research should further explore the scale’s factor structure across diverse populations and examine its broader applicability to cognitive and behavioral domains. This work establishes a foundation for empirical studies of negative capability and its role in psychological resilience.
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The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2024-12-06 09:36:02 UTC
Published: 2024-12-19 09:01:51 UTC
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Kentaro Tamaki
Ayako Isato
Makiko Yamada

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