Preprint / Version 1

Market adaptation by foreign-owned subsidiary

Hybrid management system for innovation





innovation, hybrid management system, foreign owned Japanese local company, social capital


The aim of this paper is to examine the management systems of foreign-owned Japanese subsidiaries. When entering the Japanese market, foreign-owned companies need to acquire the social capital to become collaborators, but this requires a great deal of effort. This is because domestic rivals have already established relationships with such external actors. This paper examined the management system that foreign-owned Japanese subsidiaries have in place, how it functions, and how it acquires social capital. The research method is based on a organize and analysis of publicly available secondary source. The target of the research is Johnson & Johnson. By unraveling a case study of their business expansion into the Japanese market, I examined the conditions under which a hybrid U.S.-Japanese management system functions to generate innovation. As a result, foreign-owned Japanese subsidiaries produce innovations that are difficult to imitate by being equipped with a "hybrid-type management system" that mixes the parent company's management system with the practices of the Japanese market. In this process, I argued, they can acquire social capital. This suggests that the top management of the local subsidiary plays a role in generating innovation by managing the hybrid-type management system.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The author has no competing interests to disclose.

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Submitted: 2024-07-29 02:00:20 UTC

Published: 2024-07-30 10:05:44 UTC
Economics, Business & Management