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The effects of asymmetric optimism and pessimism on time consciousness

An analysis of the relationship between optimism, pessimism and time management and procrastination


  • Jun Takahashi Graduate School of Management, Tokyo Metropolitan University



time management, procrastination, optimism, pessimism


In this study, a new perspective on the time-related concepts of time management and procrastination was analyzed by conducting a survey in which optimism and pessimism were treated as distinct concepts. Correlation and regression analyses revealed that time management is influenced by optimism, but little relationship with pessimism was detected. However, procrastination was found to be affected by both optimism and pessimism. In addition, Correlation analysis by time component factors showed that time prediction was positively correlated with optimism in time management, while planned behavior was somewhat correlated with pessimism. These results suggest that analyzing each of them as different concepts provides further insights by analyzing them from a multifaceted relationship. Furthermore, the results indicate that not only optimism but also pessimism plays a vital role in the achievement of things.


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I have no conflict of interest related to this paper to disclose.

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Submitted: 2024-06-28 02:12:56 UTC

Published: 2024-07-03 09:17:35 UTC
Economics, Business & Management