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Knowledge Management in International Strategic Alliances

Developing Modified Capability for Knowledge Adaptation


  • Chien-ju LEE The University of The Ryukyus, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies



Modified Capabilities, Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Adaptation, Knowledge Management, International Strategic Alliances


This research aims to provide a thorough examination of the concepts of knowledge adaptation, with a focus on the potential development and measurement of modified capabilities. Knowledge management involves knowledge transfer and adaptation stages, with factors like the type of knowledge, motivation, training, relationships, and communication influencing knowledge transfer. Knowledge adaptation involves enhancing knowledge to fit the environment, influenced by organizational design, culture, modification, and managerial behavior. The article introduces the concept of modified capability to support enterprises in knowledge management success.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The author has no conflicts of interest about this article.

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Submitted: 2024-06-24 21:14:16 UTC

Published: 2024-06-27 09:28:22 UTC
Economics, Business & Management