Preprint / Version 1

Psychological Factors Related to Behind Schedule

Exploratory Research Using Company Operational Data




planning fallacy, overconfidence, self-efficacy, social desirability, procrastination


This study examined the relationship between being behind schedule and psychological factors such as self-efficacy, overconfidence, and procrastination. In general, self-efficacy positively impacts our performance outcomes, but when uncertain, such as overconfidence can have a negative impact. Previous research has shown that this phenomenon occurs when people perform complex tasks. In an empirical experiment using activity data from the field in one company, the relationship between self-efficacy and planning fallacy was significantly and positively correlated. The situation was very strongly related to social self-efficacy, particularly in relation to interpersonal relationships. This result suggested that self-efficacy could be used to study planning fallacy. Not only that, but we were also able to confirm an example where high self-efficacy was more strongly related to planning fallacy than time management, which reduces planning fallacy.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

There is no COI to disclose.

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Submitted: 2024-06-21 00:57:31 UTC

Published: 2024-07-03 08:57:25 UTC
Economics, Business & Management