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Preprint / Version 1

The relationship between illiteracy rate and year of birth as seen in data from the survey of the reading and writing ability of the Japanese in1948


  • Shoichi YOKOYAMA Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Tadahiko MAEDA Department of Statistical Data Science, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  • Tomokazu TAKADA Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Masao AIZAWA Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Hiroshi NOYAMA Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Yuka FUKUNAGA Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Yoshiyuki ASAHI Research Department, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
  • Masaki HISANO Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications



Reading and writing ability, illiteracy rate, year of birth, S-curve theory of language change, chasm theory, logistic regression analysis, elementary school enrollment


Using data on illiteracy rate obtained from the survey of the reading and writing ability of the Japanese in 1948, we analyzed the relationship between illiteracy rate and year of birth. Referring to the S-curve theory of language change and the concept of diachronic change analysis using apparent time, logistic regression analysis was conducted with illiteracy rate as the objective variable and year of birth and place of residence (urban or rural) as explanatory variables. The analysis revealed an inverse S-curve relationship between illiteracy rate and year of birth, with the illiteracy rate decreasing with later year of birth (younger age at the time of the survey, with a lower limit of 15 years). The main reason for this is thought to be the increase in the rate of elementary school enrollment over time, which was linked to the introduction of free compulsory education. The analysis also showed that the inverse S-shaped curve of the illiteracy rate in the rural area overlaps with the inverse S-shaped curve in the urban area when the time of six years is shifted parallel to the left along the horizontal axis of the graph (year of birth).

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Aitchison, J. (1991) Language change: progress or decay? 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rogers, E. M. (1962) Diffusion of Innovations. New York, NY: Free Press.

井上史雄(2018)「共通語化のスピード」『社会言語科学の源流を追う』(社会言語科学会 シリーズ社会言語科学 2)横山詔一・杉戸清樹・佐藤和之・米田正人・前田忠彦・阿部貴人(編)133,ひつじ書房



高田智和・久野雅樹・前田忠彦・相澤正夫・福永由佳・横山詔一(2021)「1948年読み書き能力調査の企画書「Literacy Research Program」について」『日本語学会2021年度秋季大会予稿集』31-36



マックアーサー司令部公表(1946)『米国教育使節団報告書』国際特信社訳, (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションで公開),英文原文はReport of the United States Education mission to Japan, submitted to the Supreme commander for the Allied powers, Tokyo, March 30, 1946, 以下で閲覧可

読み書き能力調査委員会(1951)『日本人の読み書き能力』,東京大学出版部, (人間文化研究機構国立国語研究所所蔵)


Submitted: 2022-05-18 05:51:20 UTC

Published: 2022-05-19 10:12:45 UTC
Literature, Language & Linguistics and Art