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Field Trial of Driver Management Application with Wearable Vital Sensor


  • Yoji Yamato Software Innovation Center, NTT Corporation
  • Makoto Nakayama Software Innovation Center, NTT Corporation
  • Akihiro Chiba Service Evolution Laboratories, NTT Corporation
  • Tomoaki Masuda NTT Communications Corporation
  • Tokutaro Yoshida NTT Communications Corporation



IoT, hitoe, Cloud Computing, Driver Management, Spark Streaming, Real-Time Processing


In this paper, we propose a transportation driver management application (DMA) that resolves existing problems to utilize workers' vital data to take real-time actions. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have recently been progressing, but real-time actions based on workers' analyzed vital data have not yet been considered su!-ciently. The causes are insu!cient use of analysis methods of stream/micro batch processing, high network cost, and insu!cient backend system coordination. To resolve these problems, our DMA collects a driver's vital data in an electrocardiograph and acceleration from a wearable vital sensor hitoe and analyzes them on smart phones or the cloud to extract his/her posture and fatigue level. DMA can take real-time actions such as alerts or assignment of substitute drivers on the basis of analyzed dangerous driving or fatigue level. We implemented DMA and conducted a field trial with the Keifuku Bus Company from October to November 2016 to demonstrate its effectiveness.

IPSJ Digital Practice, Vol.10, No.3, pp.588-602, July 2019.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The authors declare no competing interest with this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2024-05-28 03:58:43 UTC

Published: 2024-05-31 10:34:32 UTC
Information Sciences