Preprint / Version 1

Construction of a Japanese Financial Benchmark for Large Language Model Evaluation in the Financial Domain




Large Language Model, Benchmark, Finance, Japanese


With the recent development of large language models (LLMs), the models focusing on the certain domain and language has been discussed in its necessity.
There is also a growing need for benchmarks to evaluate the performance of current large language models in each domain.
Therefore, in this study, we constructed a benchmark consisting of multiple tasks specific to the Japanese and the financial domain, and conducted benchmark measurements on some main models.
As a result, we confirmed that the GPT-4 is currently outstanding and that the constructed benchmarks are functioning effectively.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

The author belongs to Preferred Networks, Inc., developping pfnet/plamo-13b, pfnet/plamo-13b-instruct, and pfnet/plamo-13b-instruct-nc. We are conducting a fair evaluation of all the models and making all code publicly available to ensure transparency.

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Submitted: 2023-12-06 10:45:59 UTC

Published: 2023-12-08 09:41:17 UTC
Information Sciences