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On the phenomenon called “yarisugoshi” found in the situation where “decision making by flight” occurs in the garbage can model




garbage can model, decision making by flight, flight ratio, yarisugoshi, Kojien


The phenomenon known as "yarisugoshi" in Japanese was found for a questionnaire survey to detect "decision making by flight" in the garbage can model. Although initially denied by business people as something that should not exist, its existence was confirmed in a questionnaire survey, and the first paper was published in 1992. Thirty years later, "yarisugoshi" is an interesting enough phenomenon, even apart from the garbage can model and computer simulations, that it is now included in the Kojien, the leading dictionary of the Japanese language. It occurs in every organization, in every job category, and is experienced by almost half the business people. Especially in overload and incompetent supervisor situations, there is a function to avoid organizational failure and a training/selection function. It has been found to have a tendency to occur more frequently with heavy load and a mental health function to avoid organizational breakdown.

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Submitted: 2023-08-17 00:52:07 UTC

Published: 2023-08-18 00:45:27 UTC
Economics, Business & Management