Subharmonic Template Matching in Hearing and Tonal Music
Auditory Scene Analysis, Sound Localization, harmony, pitch perception, template matchingAbstract
In our previous paper (Takahashi, 2023), we derived a harmonic template model for pitch perception from the Sound Integration (SI) for Sound Localization in Auditory Scene Analysis, where the template was produced by multiplying and dividing prime numbers and accumulating them in frequency. In this paper, we applied the model to harmony perception. Multiplication and division by a factor of 2 gave octave equivalence, and pitch classes folded within an octave gave scales. Major and minor scales in the Pythagorean scale were the tone groups made of the accumulation or folding of the perfect fifth from the root note, respectively. It was shown that the Shruti system of Indian music was consistent with a 7-limit just intonation. Consonance and chord were considered the SI of the sounds emanating from multiple objects and defined as the reintegration of multiple musical tones into the missing fundamental. The chord progression was considered the SI of the sounds at different times and was defined as the process of destabilization and stabilization due to the motion in the perceptual potential. The driving force that produced the hierarchical structure was considered to be the nonuniformity of learning intensity in frequency-responsive neurons in template learning.
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The author and the present work have no support from anyone and no conflict of interest with any other works.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2023-08-13 07:37:04 UTC
Published: 2023-08-31 01:21:06 UTC
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Jun-ichi Takahashi

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