Preprint / Version 1

Collective Cell Dynamics and Luminal Fluid Flow in the Epididymis: A Mechanobiological Perspective


  • Veronica Lee Xi Min Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
  • Barry T. Hinton Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Tsuyoshi Hirashima Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore



Collective Cell Dynamics, Epididymis, Luminal Fluid Flow, Mechanobiology, Wolffian Duct


The mammalian epididymis is a specialized duct system that serves a critical role in sperm maturation and storage. Its distinctive, highly-coiled tissue morphology provides a unique opportunity to investigate the link between form and function in reproductive biology. While recent genetic studies have identified key genes and signaling pathways involved in the development and physiological functions of the epididymis, there has been limited discussion about the underlying dynamic and mechanical processes that govern these phenomena. In this review, we aim to address this gap by examining two key aspects of the epididymis across its developmental and physiological phases. First, we discuss how the complex morphology of the Wolffian/epididymal duct emerges through collective cell dynamics, including duct elongation, cell proliferation, and arrangement during embryonic development. Second, we highlight dynamic aspects of luminal fluid flow in the epididymis, essential for regulating the microenvironment for sperm maturation and motility, and discuss how this phenomenon emerges and interplays with epididymal epithelial cells. This review not only aims to summarize current knowledge but also to provide a starting point for further exploration of mechanobiological aspects related to the cellular and extracellular fluid dynamics in the epididymis.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Submitted: 2023-06-09 10:21:55 UTC

Published: 2023-06-13 01:44:03 UTC
Biology, Life Sciences & Basic Medicine