Consider the history of the dissolution of the Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
accounting irregularities, research misconduct, educational administration, selection and concentration, leadership qualificationsAbstract
The Kyoto University Primate Research Institute (KUPRI) in Japan, once a leading institution in primatology, was significantly restructured at the end of FY2021, leading to its virtual dismantling. This event marks a substantial loss for Japan's research and education sectors, potentially diminishing the country's research capabilities. This paper aims to explore strategies to prevent similar occurrences that could erode Japan's research and educational standards. Through the examination of public archives, including court records, and an analysis of KUPRI's budgetary changes over time, we identified critical junctures where intervention could have averted the crisis. The crisis was precipitated by well-documented disputes over the installation of two large cages for captive chimpanzees, a foundational issue for our analysis. Highlighting a critical factor in the institute's history, we reveal Professor A and his team's success in securing substantial funding for primatology, notably facilitated by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's 'selection and concentration' policy. Preventing future incidents requires that leaders in education and research, as well as administrative personnel, possess comprehensive understanding and skills in both academic and organizational management. We advocate for mandatory leadership training in these areas.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The authors hereby declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with the content of this paper.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2023-06-13 12:40:54 UTC
Published: 2024-04-19 04:46:25 UTC
- 2024-04-30 04:38:02 UTC (2)
- 2024-04-19 04:46:25 UTC (1)
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Yukimaru Sugiyama
Mitsuru Aimi
Suehisa Kuroda
Osamu Sakura
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