Gaussian Mixture Bandpass Filter Design for Narrow Passband Width by Using a FIR Recursive Filter
Gaussian mixture bandpass filter, sliding Fourier transform, attenuated sliding Fourier transform, FIR recursive filterAbstract
Bandpass filters (BPFs) are very important to extract target signals and eliminate noise from the received signals. In this research, we propose a concept of Gaussian mixture BPF (GMBPF) of which impulse response is symmetric. It can be approximately realized using finite impulse response (FIR) recursive filters; hence, its calculation complexity does not depend on the length of the impulse response. The property makes GMBPF ideal for narrow bandpass filtering applications. We conducted experiments to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed GMBPF over FIR filters designed by a MATLAB function with regard to the computational complexity.
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Submitted: 2022-03-30 08:59:37 UTC
Published: 2022-04-01 06:35:52 UTC
Copyright (c) 2022
Yukihiko Yamashita
Toru Wakahara

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