Energy, Geopolitics and Information Production
A Narrative on Trading Companies in Imperial Japan
information production, trading company, oil shale retort, first globalizationAbstract
A profit source for trading companies is matching demand with supply in highly differentiated markets. For this, intensive communication with both the demand and supply sides is essential. In the first age of globalization, building such networks globally was critical. We study how major trading companies navigated a sensitive transaction in imperial Japan: the procurement of shale oil retort facilities for Manchuria. Our archival research with confidential company documents reveals that trading companies logistically supported engineers from Japanese buyers to meet engineers from Western suppliers in person and visit plants in the West to acquire tacit knowledge beyond written specifications.
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The authors do not have any conflicts of interests regarding this study.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Masaki Nakabayashi
Hisayuki Oshima

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