Paired root-soil samples and metabarcoding reveal taxon-based colonization strategies in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities in Japanese cedar and cypress stands
Mycorrhiza, AMF community, fungal ecology, intraradical extraradical, AMF strategiesAbstract
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots and soil surrounding their hosts are typically independently investigated and little is known of the relationships between the communities of the two compartments. We simultaneously collected root and surrounding soil samples from Cryptomeria japonica (Cj) and Chamaecyparis obtusa (Co) at three environmentally different sites. Based on molecular and morphological analyses, we characterized their associated AMF communities. Cj was more densely colonized than Co and that root colonization intensity was significantly correlated with soil electrical conductivity and soil AMF diversity. The communities comprised 15 AMF genera dominated by Glomus and Paraglomus and 1,443 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of which 1,067 and 1,170 were in roots and soil, respectively. Soil AMF communities were significantly different among sites, and the root AMF communities were significantly different from those of soil at each site. The root and soil AMF communities responded differently to soil pH. At the genus level, Glomus and Acaulospora were abundant in roots while Paraglomus and Redeckera were abundant in soil. Our findings suggest that AMF colonizing roots are protected from environmental stresses in soil. However, the root-soil-abundant taxa have adapted to both environments and represent a model AMF symbiont. This evidence of strategic exploitation of the rhizosphere by AMF supports prior hypotheses and provides insights into community ecology.
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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interestDownloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2023-03-14 02:34:36 UTC
Published: 2023-03-17 06:22:38 UTC
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Akotchiffor Kevin Geoffroy DJOTAN

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