Exact analytical solution of the lateral spread of a particle beam in matter within a nonsmall angle limit
Lateral spread, nonsmall angle limit, Thomas-Fermi-Moliere PotentialAbstract
This work is the construction of an analytical theory of lateral spread within a nonsmall angle limit of an ionic or atomic beam in a target medium. The exact angular distribution theory was developed by Goudsmit and Saunderson; however, exact lateral spread model has not been constructed. Recently, ion beam cancer therapy is widely studied. Thus, the author is motivated to make a lateral spread theory involving small to large scattering angles and including the energy loss effect. The present study is successfully performed using the Bessel function, and exact analytical and numerical results are given in this text. The present research is expected to be useful for particle beam cancer treatment.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
Conflict of Interest My work is only personal study. I, therefore, have no conflict of interest on my investigation.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2023-02-01 09:10:33 UTC
Published: 2023-02-08 02:04:35 UTC
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