Challenges and possibilities for Satoyama and Satoumi in Japan and around the world
Nature, Ecosystem-services, Climate Change, Eco-DRR, Developing Countries, Satoyama, Satoumi, International Cooperation, Rural Development, Social Business, REDD , Harmony with NatureAbstract
Each region has its unique natural environment, which provides humans with various ecosystem services. These gifts have aided in preventing natural disasters, mitigating climate change, and providing food and cultural diversity. In developing countries, the construction of large-scale gray infrastructures, the conversion to agricultural land from forests or wetlands, and the increased demand for natural resources are due to population growth. On the other hand, in Japan, they are in a difficult situation, with a declining population, an aging population, and a shortage of workers. The area of abandoned land is increasing yearly, causing social problems such as the decline of the local social economy. In this study, I collected good practices on challenges by locals from websites, Moocs and interviews. In addition. I introduce some tools and activities for human coexistence with nature and clarify their potential and possibilities.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
I declare that I have no conflicts of interest.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2022-12-31 03:36:26 UTC
Published: 2023-01-10 06:49:51 UTC
Copyright (c) 2023
Yuko Hori

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