Preprint / Version 1

International information technology Standardization for Japanese Cultural Resources


  • Kiyonori Nagasaki International Institute for Digital Humanities, Department of Digital Humanities



Unicode, ISO/IEC 10646, TEI Guidelines, IIIF


This paper describes the current status and issues regarding international information technology standards closely related to Japanese cultural resources. There are a variety of international technical standards related to cultural resources. Still, while those that cover a wide range of fields can involve many stakeholders, the more specialized they are, the more specialized they become, and the more limited the number of people involved. In this situation, we are discussing Japan's involvement in international standards for handling Japanese cultural resources, taking Unicode for encoding characters, TEI Guidelines for encoding texts, and IIIF for interoperability of Web images as examples.

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Submitted: 2022-11-07 17:19:56 UTC

Published: 2022-11-09 05:45:40 UTC
Interdisciplinary Sciences